
Android is the most popular and the most used Smartphone OS, it has many advantages that makes a better mobile operating system as compared to the other similar mobile operating systems such as windows phones, android and iOS too. In spite of all this a problem of lagging is always seen in this operating. When we talk about lagging in android, we refer to the instances when your device responds late to the commands given to it or responds slowly. There might be many reasons behind that might be making your android device lag. Here are all the ways that you should adopt to make your device lag free.
Make Your Android Device Lag Free

What is Making your Android Device Lag?

Lagging as discussed earlier is the extra time that your device takes to execute the commands given to it. As you might already be knowing that Android is a Linux based OS. There is a concept of middle man in Android or specifically Linux that makes the device lag. So, what is this so called “Middle Man” now?

how to reduce Lagging in Android

Consider you are writing assignment, first you take rough notes of it and further copies to another notebook, and in case you notice something is missing, you need to review all the rough notes again, and thus you need to have both the copies present. This is exactly what middle man is. In Linux, no processes are executed directly. Instead, there are two copies of everything and everything has to be transferred in the main system after verification. This was the main feature that made Linux secure. However, when the same thing is used in Android, it made it to lag. However there might be an unlimited list of reasons that you might consider, although these were the major of them.

How to Make Your Android Device Lag Free?

There are various Ways to reduce Lagging in Android devices; a majority of them corresponds to the daily routines that your devices come up with. Best way of reducing lagging is to optimize your device to use minimum resources, which is RAM, internal space, processor core and so on. This is quite an easy task to do, just avoid using memory hogging apps and games. Main advantage of this way is that it won’t require rooting your device.

reduce Lagging in Android

Another way is using an application called ‘Seeder’. Before you get on to use this process do consider rooting your android deviceas it will require a rooted android phone.

Ways to reduce Lagging in Android

In Android, every time a process is opened it draws random data from an entropy pool which is pre-determined. This data pool dries up after a limited sharing of the resource. When again an operation needs data pool it has to rebuild itself, which usually takes time thus making your device lag between the startup of the applications. Whoa! This was a bit techie, but you now know what exactly happens. Seeder just alters the data pool to a clone created by it which never dries up and thus your device never lags. The only requirement of this app is rooted phone, so do root your phone before attempting it.

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