In this article i will show you how to use a beer can to make a WiFi booster. It is an ultra cheap hack which you can try with a can, by using this trick you can increase the speed of your wifi connection from 2 bar to 4 or even 5 bars. If you are working on a wired lan then don't worry i have already explained how to increase speed in LAN.
You Will Need:
- Empty & clean can (beer or any cold-drink).
- A knife (usually available at kitchen).
- A scissor (to cut can).
- An adhesive or poster tack.
- A Router.
After gathering all the above items, follow the steps as:
Clean the can thoroughly & make sure that there is no residue left behind in the can.
Cut the bottom of the can making it open from bottom.
Cut the can along its middle in a straight pattern. Refer pic.
Now cut along the base leaving some space, so that the base is not completely detached from the center.Step-6:
What Actually Happens?
You already know that the signals from your router spread in 360 degrees i.e. in all direction, due to which loss of signals occurs delivering you less speeds. Using such trick, as discussed above directs, all signals to a confined place such as towards your computer which makes speed increase.
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