Shortcut keys are the keys used to perform the task without using mouse or other such devises. These shortcut can be a single key or combination of two keys or more than that. These Shortcut Key Combo Saves lots of time while using PC.
Here is the list of all 70 Useful Windows 8 Shortcut Keys That Would Considerably Save Time. However these keys are usually abstracted from the user, but once you know these combination, you can easily apply these on a daily basis.
1. Windows + T - Go to first item in Taskbar, continue with arrow keys
2. Windows + U - Open Ease of Access Centre
3. Windows + X - Open Power User Commands on Desktop
4. Windows + S - Search Settings
5. Windows + P - Display Projection Options
6. Windows + O - Disable screen rotation / orientation
7. Windows + R - Open Run dialog box
8. Windows + Q - Open Windows Apps Search
9. Windows + W - Search in Windows Settings
10. Windows + M - Minimize all Windows
11. Windows + N - Create new One Note
12. Windows + L - Lock your computer
13. Windows + Shift + M - Restore minimized Windows
14. Windows + Ctrl + F - Search for Computers in a network
15. Windows + F - Search for the Files in Computer
16. Windows + H - Open Share Panel
17. Windows + B - Set focus to Notification Area
18. Windows + E - Show Windows Explorer with File’s Tree View
19. Windows + E - Show Windows Explorer with File’s Tree View
20. Windows + K - Open Device Connections
21. Windows + C - Open Charms bar
22. Windows + I - Open settings including Control Panel, PC Info, Desktop, Personalization, Help
23. Windows + J - Toggle foreground between the filled and snapped applications
24. Windows + D - Toggle “Show Desktop”
25. Windows + Enter - Open Windows Narrator
26. Windows + Spacebar - Change the Keyboard Layout / Input Language
27. Windows + Page Down - Move Start Screen to the right side of screen
28. Windows + Alt + Enter - Open Media Center (If Media Center is Installed on your PC
29. Windows + Page Up - Move Start Screen to the left side of screen
30. Windows + Down Arrow - Minimize / Restore the currently active Windows
31. Windows + Up Arrow - Maximize the currently active Windows
32. Windows + Right Arrow - Dock the current Windows to right half of the screen
33. Windows + Left Arrow - Dock the current Windows to left half of the screen
34. Windows + Minus - Magnifier Zoom-Out
35. Windows + Plus - Magnifier Zoom-In
36. Windows + Esc - Close Magnifier
37. Windows + Shift + Right Arrow - Move the currently active Windows to the right side of monitor
38. Windows + Shift + Left Arrow - Move the currently active Windows to the left side of monitor
39. Windows + Shift + Down Arrow - Minimize / Restore the currently active Windows vertically, while maintaining its width
40. Windows + Shift + Up Arrow - Maximize the currently active Windows vertically, while maintaining its width
41. Windows + F1 - Open Windows Help and Support
42. Windows + Break - Display System Properties dialog box
43. Windows + Ctrl + Tab - Toggle through Applications and snap them as they cycle
44. Windows + Tab - Toggle through all Applications
45. Windows + Shift + Tab - Toggle through Applications in reverse order
46. Windows + Forward Slash (/) - Initiate IME (Input Method Editor) reconversion
47. Windows + Shift + Dot (.) - Move the gutter to the left
48. Windows + Dot (.) - Move the gutter to the right
49. Alt + T - Cut
50. Alt + V - Paste
51. Alt + P + E - Display Open With… dialog box
52. Alt + W - Create a new document or select a template
53. Windows + Comma - Temporarily view desktop
54. Alt + S + I - Invert the selection
55. Alt + R - Rename selected files
56. Alt + P + S - Insert label
57. Alt + D - Delete selected files or folder
58. Alt + P + R - Open properties
59. Alt + M - Move the files
60. Alt + S + A - Select all
61. Alt + C + P - Copy path to the file or folder
62. Alt + A - Open the special features.
63. Alt + E - Edit selected files
64. Alt + C + O - Copy selected items
65. Alt + H - Shows history of file versions
66. Alt + S + N - Deselect
67. Alt + N - Create a new folder
68. Alt + Shift - Change Keyboard Language layout if multiple language layouts are active
69. Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel - Change Size of Icon
70. F11 - Toggle Full Screen Mode
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