Google has come out with an amazing navigation of sharing the Computer desktop by an android device or by other computer. This step of sharing might overcome some obstacles that can come in order to establish a connection between two computers. Process of establishing connection is pretty simple you just need to follow the instructions on chrome remote desktop app website of Google.
Features that Makes it Different from ordinary LAN:
Chrome Remote Desktop is as different from LAN as a coffee differs from a Tea, ;) in a LAN connection you just can share the data between or among several pc but with chrome desktop app you can access the console of your own pc with your android device. Additionally it also provides sharing of your computer navigation console with another computer securely. It is much secure because it will be protected with password while establishing a connection and providing authentication.
How to access computer with android:
follow the steps shown down and you will make it done!
Before getting started you need to download and launch chrome remote desktop app followed by some agreements of Google policies. There you will be asked to download a setup for a new extension in chrome which won’t take a long time. Right then it will be configured into your chrome’s extension from where you can access and launch it. Don’t worry about the privacy because it first asks you to generate a minimum six digit pin to access your pc’s console by next end device.
It is your wish weather you need to operate a computer desktop with an android device or through any other computer system. Both the options would be acknowledged to you on app. As you go to enable the remote connection you will give authority to access it by other.
To operate your computer console with an Android device, of course you will require downloading an app to your android phone as well. Well this is not a big fish to hunt but you can hunt app named as “Chrome Remote Desktop”. Just install the app and launch. At each time you will be asked the security pin as you go through the connection with your computer’s desktop.
Google has introduced numerous applications for computer and android smart phones and Android Operating system itself as well. In this way it has prepared a dish in which the ingredients contain its own operating system and browser Google Chrome. Believe it or not but it would be an amazing experience in order to operate a computer desktop with an Android device. Playing your computer from an android device has now been possible with this technique through which some of the emergency can be passed easily such as the keyboard of your pc got damaged and you are unable to find your pc’s virtual keyboard. This was just a unique and interesting solution for your pc and defiantly you are going to love it.
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