Windows 8 is the considered to be the most amazing windows operating system ever. It is fast secure and attractive looking too. Using windows 8 is very easy as it supports most the applications that you might have already used in previous versions of windows. Besides it ability to readily boot and reboot there are some other functionalities too. One such function is fast switching between users using a shortcut.
Previous in windows 7 there was a shortcut to switch between users by simply pressing Cntrl+Alt+Delbutton, the same was carried on to windows 8. However as the windows 8 upgraded to 8.1 a new method has been found to simply switch between users.
The method is quite simple; there is file in Windows System 32 folder named Session Disconnection Utility that can easily switch between users in Windows 7 and 8 as well. The file name is tsdiscon.exe that you can access via desktop shortcut and switch to different users without using generic way of user switching.
How to Create User Switching Shortcut in Windows 8.1:
No special methods have been adopted for making shortcuts in windows 8.1. Making a shortcut is an easy task as you might have already been doing since years in Windows 92/XP/7/ vista. You can simply do it by following:
Right click on Desktop > New > Shortcut > and Type location that will be C:\Windows\System32\tsdiscon.exe as shown in the image below. Browse button on the Create Shortcut window can also be used to locate the tsdiscon.exe file. Click on Next button and then give the appropriate name to your shortcut.
Once you have appropriately named the short cut, you can test by opening it. As soon as you open it login screen will appear with the current user being logged out. To make it look more professional you can change its icon as you can see in the image below.
For doing so just go to the shortcut properties, under shortcut tab you can find change icon. Click on change icon, a list of all available icons will now appear. Choose any one appropriate icon. You can also import a custom icon using browse option located in the same menu itself.
Whoa! Are you a single user on your system, then you need not to do this process. However if you wish to make an extra account then do consider trying it out.
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